Best Industrial Lighting Ideas
The right lighting depends on your goals. What if you want to minimize your dependence on the power company and Industrial Lighting? You want your barn to have as little impact as possible on the environment.
Do you have to get off the grid completely? Depending on what you use your barn for you can absolutely.
Solar lighting
One option is to install solar lamps. Motion-sensing solar lamps are widely available and easy to install yourself. I just installed one in my store. It was very easy to do and didn't require any electrical wiring, which is a huge advantage to do it yourself.
Here are some tips from D-I-Y on installing your own solar motion sensor.
Find a good location on your barn.
You want the sensor to clearly see all common traffic areas. Where do you usually come from to your barn? Make sure the sensor points to this area.
Be sure to mount the light from your barn away from any direct path from the doors. The last thing to do is replace bulb after bulb, as you keep hitting it with the door.
Let the sunlight in!
Sunlight is a free lighting option. There are a number of ways you can bring sunlight into your barn.
Add windows.
One of the advantages of a beamed barn is that you can lay windows almost anywhere. Even after building your barn.
Install skylights.
Installing a few skylights in your barn will bring sunlight if necessary. In addition to the benefits of free light, the sun is the most natural and cheapest disinfectant in the world.
Fluorescent lighting
What if you're going to work in your barn? The weather is a carpentry workshop, a studio or an auto repair shop. You'll need a well-lit workspace. You'll want a low-energy light with long-lasting bulbs that can cover a large area. The best solution for this could be fluorescent lighting. Don't worry, you don't have to settle for long, unsightly store lamps. You can install new fluorescent bulbs in any standard incandescent light fixture
What if you want to keep the traditional look and feel of your barn?
You can add authentic reproduction lighting. These fixtures are now widely available. You can light up your barn door with a beautiful swan-necked lamp and a porcelain blind. Highlight your poles and beams with traditional style appliques. Hang a large chandelier on the huge beams of your large cathedral ceiling. Or light your aisles with pretty vintage Industrial Lighting.
There are many choices in the lighting of the barn. Remember that you get what you're getting. If you buy a cheap imported fixture, you will get poor quality. You may think it's hard to find good fixtures made in the U.S., but they're reasonably priced.
Make no mistake when buying the cheapest barn lighting you can find. You're going to pay for it in the long run. Why don't you take the good ones?
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