Mechanism of LED Lighting
LEDs are widely used as traffic lights in many devices and more and more people are using LED lighting more and more. LED means light-emitting diode in the semiconductor category. It was created in 1960 when it was used to produce low-intensity lighting, but today it is mainly used for ultraviolet lighting offering powerful brightness and energy. The mechanism or operation of LED Lights is very simple to understand. Each time you turn on the light-emitting diode, a series of electrons combine with many electronic holes inside the device, releasing energy. The resulting effect is called electroluminescence and gives different colors depending on the semiconductor and its energy. Normally, LEDs are very small and occupy only one millimeter of surface area. However, you can use many optical elements to design their radiation. Compared to other traditional light sources, LED lamps are very advantageous because they consume very little energy. Although its size is smaller, you can't...